Situated in the heart of LKF and Quarry Bay, Mr. Taco Truck is well known for their interesting decor. Popular for their Horchata drink- a milky-white drink made with rice which is very rich and sweet with a hint of cinnamon. Fish Tacos ($16) can be said as one of their signature dishes, along with the SUPER nachos! continue reading
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide slectin of vegetarian dishs available daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 21:00
12:00 - 17:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Carnitas Taco Swiss Enchilada Horchata 墨西哥芝士薄餅 Chicken Burrito
Review (50)
Level2 2014-01-24
Had the fried fish and roast pork corn tortilla tacos and chips with guacamole. Every bite was tasty! The green chili sauce was also flavorful and just spicy enough. Portions are small, but for the freshness of the ingredients the prices were totally reasonable. The cook recommended the spicy pork when I went back for a second helping and it was delicious!  So happy this place is here in HK! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-01-14
突然好想食taco,香港唔係好多間,見到呢間都好似好多人覺得OK同埋價格都OK,於是唻試下。呢區平時一到下午12:30左右就好多上班族出唻食,於是我嗰日12點就到。我去到既時候未有其他人,開始食既時候就開始有,而且大部份都係外國人。我地兩個人叫左一個taco combo,另外散叫左一個fried fish taco同一個雞肉super nacho。每個taco大約一個手掌大少少。如果淨係講味道,10粒星為最好食,我會俾6至7粒星。fried fish taco舊魚好纖幼,個super nacho算叫做多料。不過最大問題就係樣樣都唔熱既!taco個殼應該係熱呼呼,super nacho D nacho唔洗熱,但係上面D料都應該要熱掛?都幾失望下...份量都唔係好多,食完仲有少少未飽既感覺。個汽水D冰亦都加到個杯咁滿,要注意。食完覺得唔係好抵,亦唔係真係話太好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-08-22
ridiculous, never again. I ordered the Taco lunch set 1, takeaway.  I asked for NO cilantro and salad with my taco.  Came back to the office after a long walk to find out:1. No cutlery2. Tons of cilantro in my tacos3. Salad was plain veggie with NO DRESSINGthe person who took the order must be day dreaming.. never again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-25
大熱天時想食刺激到味蕾既食物經過依頭就黎揾下依間一直想試既墨西哥餐睇相知道佢有好多明星都黎幫襯佢店位好易睇到因為橙色好搶眼店面好細得幾張枱有玻璃廚房見到食物點整好多餐牌同報導都貼左係門口原來都幾多野食簡有選擇困難症+眼闊肚窄既我企係到都望左一陣但唔係堂食試唔哂所以就叫左個墨西哥手卷試下先佢薄餅入面有墨西哥飯, 班豆蓉, 芫茜, 洋蔥粒, 莎莎醬.仲可以自選一款肉有雞有牛有豬可惜冇羊我要左燒汁豬柳落單時問你要唔要少辣好食些我雖然唔係一個食得辣既人但事實證明好多食物真係要有辣既元素先更上一層樓等左一陣就得左拎上手都幾重下!!好足料番到公司急不及待解剖一下佢有8成係茄汁飯,1成係豬柳其他就係配料好多好多咁逼滿左個皮個人覺得佢既飯其實好普通冇咩味,但好彩有豆蓉係入面,係加強左口感好多都係好重澱粉但就唔會咁單調豬柳加左辣係惹味好多,但燒汁味唔突出而肉質偏硬要番D牙力反而我最鐘意係個芫茜同洋蔥依D二打六 有種好清新既草清味平衡番咁多材料咬落又爽又甜冇咁油咁大個赻熱食完都好飽下好夠如果佢個飯既茄汁味濃番,肉質嫩番會更加好食整體感覺唔錯有機會堂食試更多墨西哥風情 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-25
終於到訪了一直也很想到訪的墨西哥餐廳了,餐廳地方還真不大,座位亦相當開揚,相信外國人定必很喜歡於午間享受温暖的陽光吧,少有的以烤餅作午餐,只因就是很怕會吃不飽,而且就是比較愛吃飯麵類,就破例來個墨西哥午餐好了。Taco truck位於路口的一個轉角地方,廚房是開放式的,裝潢就是一架貨車,是坐往墨西哥的貨車嗎?誠然,價錢真有點貴,套餐也要$60至$80,而且有點選擇困難症,後來在店員推薦下選了瑞士雞肉芝士卷,另配一杯特色飲品,點了一杯米漿,後來就是有點擔心不夠飽,於是點了套餐,有墨西哥飯,Nachos,汽水,點特飲的話要加$7呢,埋單也要80多塊,也真不便宜。原本是要外賣的, 但因肚子太餓的關係, 還是堂食好了 , 餐已包裝在盒內了, 但心想, 這可是一個$80的飯盒呢! 先嘗NACHOS, 沾班豆蓉, 也算是好吃的, 是硬脆的粟米片, 相當香口, 但本身不是豆類的粉絲, 不怎麼喜歡; 墨西哥飯的味道不會過於濃烈, 有三色豆類作伴, 來得不錯; 芝士卷內的雞肉很細滑飽滿, 每一分有三條芝士卷, 表面有滿滿的醬汁, 也很飽肚, 可惜吃畢後有點點膩口。 原來米漿是玉桂米漿, 味道是有濃烈的玉桂香, 米漿的厚度是是水與豆漿之間, 可能是因冰下得有點多吧。消費: $83 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)