4-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
油器、粥品,午市供應燒臘飯。 continue reading
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Review (15)
Level4 2014-05-22
昨晚,不勝酒力的小妹,膽粗粗在IFC的Enoteca試飲了五款的香檳和紅酒。是日,不知是未瞓醒,還是未醉醒,沒精打采的,且渾身無勁。好吧,吃碗熱粥,讓精神抖擻起來﹗原只打算叫碗皮蛋豬紅粥$23,女侍應表示可以套餐價揀選腸粉類和小食類食物,就再要了原價$14的炸兩,盛載三十大元。及後,見有凍豆漿$8,又要了一杯。凍豆漿疑是隔夜貨色,入口不太甜,帶有淡淡的豆香味,質感較稀薄,表層沒有結出豆皮衣,入口也久缺粘稠之感。炸兩一叫即送上,動作之快,可見絕非即叫即製之物也。炸兩是把香脆油炸鬼包在腸粉皮內,然後切成小塊,淋上豉油,再灑上蔥花即成。小店的炸兩腸粉皮入口夠薄身且嫩滑;油炸鬼雖稱不上香脆,幸仍不算硬如石、乾如柴,可以接受也;豉油普通之作,鮮味稍遜;蔥花消失了,不然,可增添其清香味兒也。皮蛋豬紅粥大碗兼多料,絕非貓食量的小妹可以獨吞的,最後剩下了不少。對不好稠密粥水的小妹而言,粥的濃稀度適中。不過,粥水的米香不太明顯,質感也稱不上綿滑非常。粥的配料除了豬紅和皮蛋外,還有不少的薑絲和蔥花添香添味。吃罷,口有點乾涸,懷疑是加了味精之故也。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-02-26
I love the beef rice rolls at this place so came back again.The standards have kept the same on this visit which was good.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Beef Rice rolls:The beef filling inside the rice rolls have been grounded so finely and reconstituted with flour that it no longer tastes like beef and there is strong tangerine peel which makes it even more delicious with a citrus taste that makes it not so heavy.The rice roll skin was thin, which is a good balance in ratio of beef to rice roll.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $2XService: OKYummy factor: okMSG levels: slightNapkins provided: noToilets: noPortion sizes: reasonable◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-04-06
I came here with my families and when foods was brought to our table, old memories rushed back to me. When i was still a little kid, i eat rice rolls with fried dough stick a lot because it tastes so good, especially with the sauce >.< Therefore, we ordered the rice rolls with fried dough stick as usual and it tastes okay which is disappointing. But it is not that bad, it is only failed to do that "crispy" textures!! i personally think that they really need to improve otherwise it would be a shame. We also ordered some other foods and they tastes fine continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-13
夜晚OT後約了朋友交收路經灣仔. 完成任務後已飢"汗"交迫, 很想找個地方吃點東西嘆下冷氣. 或者很多事情是命中註定, 其時就經過了潮城門口, 二話不說走了進去. 這裡賣粥的和隔離同名賣牛雜粉麵的店是相通的, 坐任何一邊吃的都一樣. 但賣粥的這邊很少客人, 冷氣會強勁一點吧? 身水身汗實在無意欲食粥, 就叫了碟沙茶牛肉炒河粉, 另加了凍檸茶少甜一杯.飲品先到, 咦? 我無叫少冰喎. 得果兩三粒? 果然篤幾下檸檬後所有冰都溶了, 茶還只是比室溫低一點點, 絕對稱不上凍. 但口渴, 算了吧, 照飲. 咦? 我要少甜唔係走甜喎. 不過既然茶溫不夠凍, 走甜也可以, 但從簡單一杯凍檸茶已經看出呢間餐廳的水吧是如何的不濟. 喝著難飲的不凍檸茶時, 炒河送到, 嘩! 啡色透明的"玻璃獻" 盡蓋過了河粉, 吃下去, 沙茶味淡薄如水, 更不要提有否"香"了. 牛肉帶點點梳打味但是韌的, 奇! 炒河粉本身鑊氣是夠的, 下點辣油無論如何不會太難吃, 但越吃越不對辦, 碟底滲著一層油, 吃不了大半碟已感膩滯(不要忘記我是飢餓地落單的), 整碟河粉最好的就是菠蘿夠甜與青椒夠爽脆新鮮. 份量夠也是另一賣點.這碟油浸玻璃獻汁牛河索價四十, 另加凍飲特價十元(其實係唔係應該收非凍飲的8元?). 呢個地獄晚餐共銀五十. 放下銀兩, 速逃離開鬼域! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-01-10
考考大家數學,"凡惠顧粉麵,加$8可獲油菜一碟,加$7 可獲熱飲一杯。蘇小姐叫左碗$23 魚蛋河,另加$5雙併水餃,又點了一碟油菜,請問張單應該係幾$呢?"唔知點解呢間餐廳的答案係$37。我諗住$1豪俾佢啦,唔好難為侍應阿姐。好快有人送上一碗魚蛋魚皮餃河,內有魚蛋及魚皮餃各三粒。奈何我係唔食魚皮餃的,唯有叫阿姐換番水餃俾我啦。數一數,餃仍有三粒,魚蛋就得番兩粒,我不禁心里埋怨左一句:咁小家架。碗粉味道一般,咪一碗魚蛋水餃河囉。雖然門口招牌話D湯底係鮮魚湯,我就只係食到浸過魚蛋的水的味。湯極少,河極多,食幾啖已經無哂湯,失敗!口寡寡,決定加$7叫杯熱飲。睇到牆上有胚芽好立克廣告,但係價錢係空的。阿姐落完單,自己問左自己一句:「吖,幾錢呢?」之後就響單上寫上$14。我問阿姐,唔係加$7咩?他話:你叫左菜就無得嗌野飲架啦喎。於是,我成功食左一餐貴而唔係好食的午餐,放低左$50大元。會唔會再去食?答案是 NEVER! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)